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Clubhouse Jerusalem

The employment program is a central and essential program in the house,growing and evolving over time more and more, both in the range of fields and possibilities we offer, and in the number of members who participate.

Primarily, its purpose is to enable an equal opportunity for members to have a successful return to the labor market. All community members feel a part of the employment program in the clubhouse, and take part in it in different ways. Most importantly – the members are responsible for it.

"Group job searches" 

The group meets once a week. All members who seek employment in the free market are invited to join the group. Members do not seek employment only for themselves but for other members of the community as well.

Through this group, last year we recruited three new employers! The contact with these employers was developed thanks to community members who helped other members find employment.

"The path to the right job"

This is a four meetings workshop for employment seekers. It was built and guided by an employment-seeking member and the employment coordinator. Its purposes are to –

- increase motivation for finding employment

- broaden exposure to the different types of jobs

- raise understanding of whether a job is suitable for me or not

- build a work plan

All members who participated in this workshop to date, subsequently found a job and are employed today!

One of the participants told:

"The workshop was very helpful to me in understanding what I was looking for.

I learned that before the workshop I was busy looking for jobs that were totally unsuitable for me"

Beyond caring for and assisting employment seekers, the clubhouse community also helps working members. Presently, there are approximately 30 members working in the free market accompanied by clubhouse Jerusalem. Because some of these workers work for many hours, and don’t have time to visit the clubhouse and stay in touch with the community, the "workers meet up" group was created.

"workers meet up"

This group meets once a month during the evening hours. It is designated for all working members. During the meeting a delicious dinner is served and members conduct an open conversation regarding their work week, sharing of dilemmas, challenges and positive experiences. This group was created based on the understanding that work experiences and feelings are common and similar among all employees, and predominantly deal with the relationship with the employer, persistence, coping with the framework, etc.

The working members of clubhouse eagerly anticipate these meetings and arrive especially for them, even after a long day at work.

One of the working members, who actively participates in the group, tells:

"This group is my once in a week opportunity to ask myself how am I feeling at work

, tell about it to others and hear experiences. You can't get that anywhere else”


"Workers’ board"

There is an impressive "workers’ board" on one of the central walls of the clubhouse. The board contains photos of working members in their work places, dates of the beginning of their employment, and a quote by that member of the meaning of work to them.

Here are a few examples of inspirational quotations:

"Work provides a feeling of importance, you feel needed.

Times between one shift and the other pass pleasantly and with ease.

Sleep is sweeter and everyday life is filled with satisfaction"

"Work helps me and challenges me. It starts for livelihood and continues for the soul"

"Work makes me progress in my personal goals, it provides me with mental resilience and light in my eyes to begin the day"

For further reading:

Employment programs

Why us ?

Who are our employers?

What do they say about us?

Success stories

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צור קשר


עמותת קלאבהאוס עמית

ת.ד 24, חוצות אלונים

מיקוד 3657701


מאובטחת באמצעות


הוראת קבע

כרטיס אשראי


הצטרפו לניוזלטר שלנו

כל הזכויות שמורות לעמותת קלאבהאוס עמית 2016

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