The employment is the main core of the Clubhouse model
The entire life of the community revolves around the opportunity to engage in meaningful and significant employment.
To enable a wide range of jobs in order to develop an inner job motivation among each member of the community.
To enable each person to discover and use his skills and to gain experience based on successes.
In the clubhouse there is no such thing as working in less than the minimum wage and not within the framework of employer-employee relations.
This is based on the belief that this is the right way for a qualitative recovery process and integration within the workplace.
There are four employment plans, which are open to every member at each stage of the recovery, based on his choice:
1. A pre-employment system that includes work within the home units on a voluntary basis in order to create a stable and supportive community basis, selecting and experiencing in an occupational direction through the connection to myself and to the forces within me. Members who work in the additional programs continue to participate in this system in parallel to their paid job in the free market.
2. Independent employment. At this plan, the clubhouse accompanies the member throughout the process from behind the scenes, from the search process to the integration in the workplace. The accompaniment is being done at both the individual and the community level, but it does not include accompanying the employer because there is no need for it.
3. Supportive employment. In this type of employment the member receives an escort like in the independent employment. In addition, the clubhouse accompanies the employer and is involved in the intermediation, employment orientation, attending the work interview and to the working place, meetings between the accompanying person with the employer and with the member, and all this is according to the employer's choice and as necessary.
4. Transitional employment. This type of employment is the spearhead and the highlight of the clubhouse model. It is intended for members who currently feel the need for broader support and a more lenient exit to the labor market. It provides a solution for the needs of the member throughout the process and removes material deficiencies in the placement process. In addition, it is a perfect fit for employers who seek to integrate workers but can't devote a lot of resources to this issue. All the interviews and the training processes are at the responsibility of the clubhouse. The clubhouse also undertakes full responsibility to cover the employee's absence 365 days a year.