Alon Clubhouse- Tiberius
Publicity- Looking Outwards
After a long period of incubation, nurturing and hatching, we’ve finally spread our wings and started a publicity project.
In the last year we’ve invested in contents, interests and designing our own unique personality. Now that we are bigger we have the power to develop and to reveal our story. In November, to our great excitement, we held our first publicity meeting! In the Tzfat College for third year Social Work students.
In December we held our second publicity meeting, this time in our Clubhouse, to which we invited professional teams and friends from a variety of rehabilitation services in Tiberius. Our goal was to introduce our Clubhouse as well as getting feedback for improving another publicity meeting designated for external public figures. Members and staff directed the lectures, in which we explained about the model, shared personal stories, short videos and more.
Some of the feedback we received;
“It was amazing!”
“This day will stay with me”
“It was splendid and extremely exciting, unforgettable really!”
“Send the guys a clapping icon.”
The publicity team set a goal to hold a monthly publicity meeting in order to add new members to the community, to raise awareness and break stigmas about mental health, recruit employers and partners, etc.
For any enquiries please get in touch.

Publicity in Tzfat College
Publicity and volunteer recruitment
in the Meitzar “Mechina”