Beit Avi Chai – An Israeli cultural center – holds many activities and events, to which we're invited to purchase tickets at a reduced price.
The Jerusalem Shopping Cooperative serves as a shopping center with costs affordable to anyone, we do most of our shopping in the center and our members volunteer as well, as cashiers and ushers. We're happy to take part in a meaningful social change which fits with our community's morals.
Cooperation with 'Bezalel' - Academy of Arts and Design, which connects community and arts: this cooperation has been going on for 3 years now and is developing further yearly.
In practice, we practice arts from many different angles, including internal design, photography and videography, plastic art and carpentry.
The "Shekel" association (Shortening for "Community services for people with special needs" in Hebrew) had developed in time a wide fare of quality leisure activities in a reduced price for special needs groups. The Clubhouse members participate in the events offered by Shekel.
The Syndrome Magazine is a Jerusalem magazine about culture and arts run by the "Ruach Hadasha" (Meaning 'New Spirit) organization, it's publish on a monthly basis and deals with a different subject on each issue. The Clubhouse members are given the opportunity to send and share their creations – drawings, pictures, poetry – in accordance to the monthly subject.
The organization "Muslala" established the project "Ha-Mir'peset" (The Terrace) – A park of art – and it takes place on the rooftop of the Clal Center. The community's members took an active part in planning and building the park, and within this cooperation we've had tours each in the other's house, and the community members took part in some fascinating art workshops. This cooperation continues and new projects are being initiated.
"Sipur Chozer" (A repeatable story) – is an extension of the "Sh'e-Kulo Tov" ("Made of good") association – which provides jobs for people who had experienced mental crisis, by selling used books in shops and virtual stores. The Clubhouse itself serves as one virtual sales-point of books from Sipur Chozer.